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Why is Educogym Completely Different from Other Gyms?

Getting a membership in Educogym is the beginning of something new, even if you have trained in other gyms previously, and it will be an exciting journey! Together we set a goal, and then you get to learn how to use MORE of your mind to train your body and achieve it!

In the research, we are based on people who lost on average 7 pounds of fat (3.5 kg) and gained 3 pounds (1.5 kg) of muscle in just 12 days because they learned how to use more of the mind and apply it to the training and to their goals.

Using more of your mind when you train means that you are in a deeper than normal state of attention (or unconscious attention, as it was called in the research).

This research showed that people who used more of their mind when training their body were able to train at a higher intensity level and lift heavier weights than they normally could, causing them to gain muscle faster. This extra muscle mass caused their metabolism to go up so that they burned more fat and got into much better shape.

This is how we help you use MORE of your mind in Educogym Eccles Street:

  • We teach you where to focus your mind in each exercise.
  • We teach you when to inhale and exhale.
  • We teach you the names of the exercises and how to set up exercises.
  • We teach you to do perfect form on each exercise (and we correct you if you do something wrong).
  • We teach you how to read and fill out your workout card.
  • We teach you how to know if you should increase or decrease the weight you are lifting.

Does it sound difficult? Don’t worry; we are with you every step of the way to make sure your workout runs smoothly.